My Inspiration

So its been a while since I've posted anything, I've been busy redesign my blog and its still a working progress, however I wanted to start blogging more and I know this is a bit late to be saying 2015 is the year I'm going to give weekly uploads and building my brand as we're now in February, yet I'm a girl with a plan and a dream. so as of today I am going to become better at blogging with what's going on in my life, not only with photo shoots but also lifestyle and it will all starts today with my first inspiration post.

Finding inspiration is something I can spend hours/evenings doing with Pinterest taking up most of my time (My Pinterest). However with Iphones and constant internet connection my phone now has over 2000 images and that's just from my travels though social media. I've started saving a lot of inspiration on my phone as it makes it easy to look at when I'm out and about on shoots. but Its not just photos ideas, I've ended up with a lot of quotes that inspire me though life. that's the main reason for these post, Every week I'm planning on posting a little post showing/sharing some of my inspiration that I've found over the past 7 days and explaining how it inspires me.

So here we go this weeks photos is one I found on Instagram back in June last year, for me this photo inspires me to show the world the best I can be/do everyday. because everything we do and post on social media is creating a brand, the brand of YOU, every selfie and twitter up date is showing the world what you think and feel about life. some people get this right and promote themselves in a good way and other struggle. I was someone who struggled with this, saying how I felt on social media started to get me in to a bit of trouble and I was creating a negative brand for myself. however over the last few mounts I have started really thinking about what I say and I have seen my social following grow. because "Every day is a fashion show" and we need to only show our best to the world "Your Runway" this photos is also my lock screen and has become a daily reminder to create and show off a life that I am proud of, this could be with how I dress to how I respond to something, as long as I'm doing everything to the best of my ability I can't go far wrong. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I think its the longest one I've ever written however, this is the start of something I hope will inspire people and even if no one in the world reads these post they help me get my ideas out there and hey I enjoy writing them. If you given up your time to read this I hope you have an amazing week full of creativity and insperation. xx